
The Digipraise WebApp is designed to provide the best experience on a smartphone or tablet. Request your link below or use the QR code to start your appraisal.

But before you visit our WebApp, you must have the following two things in front of you:

      1. Your most recent appraisal
      2. Your appraised jewelry

Let’s get started!

Input your phone number below, and we’ll text you a link to our WebApp! Alternatively, use the QR Code to be taken there.

QR Code to go to our WebApp
It's time to update your appraisal.

Let’s make sure you’re ready to update your appraisal value.

Before you visit our WebApp, you must have the following two things in front of you:

      1. Your most recent appraisal
      2. Your appraised jewelry

Click below and you can get started!

It's time to update your appraisal.